Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Importance of Knowing Your Targets

I am one of those people who, for whatever reason, always seems to be working on a fairly large number of projects at once. This seems to drive my wife nuts.  It's not like I do not finish the projects that I start, but it does take me a considerable amount of time (ongoing porch project is an example of this)

I am not sure I want, or am able, to change this aspect of my personality. But what I would like to train myself to do is to establish the habit of regularly reflecting on my targets, both short and long term, and actively measuring my progress.

My "Big 5" right now are the following, in no particular order. I've included the amount of time I want to spend on each pro this week.

-Fixing drywall in bathroom and painting this room. (4 hours)
-Digging flower bed deeper (lots of dirt to move!) and planting the flowers I purchased (also add mulch?). (2 hours)
-Continue my streak of discarding items in attic (have been doing this daily for a few weeks. keep it up!) (I do this daily, a quick task)
-Dealing with out of season clothes that need to be moved and putting current clothes in drawers in more organized way. (2 hours)
-Read 10 articles about health care so that I can develop my blog posts on that topic. (80 mins)
-Continue with 750 words a day streak! (really excited to be doing this. this comes first and has been coming first since the start of summer)

Are you a one task at a time person, or do you try to juggle multiple tasks?

What are your targets for the week?

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